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Arkindex 1.6.5

A new Arkindex release is available.

To upgrade a development instance, follow this documentation.

To upgrade a production instance, you need to:

  • Deploy this release’s Docker image:
  • Run the database migrations: docker exec ark-backend arkindex migrate
  • Update the system workers: docker exec ark-backend arkindex update_system_workers

The release notes for Arkindex 1.6.5 are available here.

The main changes impacting developers and system administrators are detailed below.

Node.js upgrade

The Arkindex frontend now only supports Node.js 22. Developers will need to upgrade their version of Node:

  • For installations based on the NodeSource APT repository, replace node_20 with node_22 in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list, then run apt update and apt upgrade.
  • For installations based on nvm, run nvm use 22.

This change has no impact on system administrators.