
    An element can be linked to multiple metadatas in order to add more context to the project.

    Common use-cases are:

    • creation dates,
    • storage location,
    • notes from a subject-matter expert
    • Tables with various data


    Arkindex supports a few types of Metadatas:

    • Text, without formatting
    • Markdown, for text that needs formatting such as tables, list, etc. (More information about Markdown)
    • Date, for complete (year-month-day) or incomplete (just the year, or year-month) dates
    • Location, to specify a place by name or GPS coordinates
    • Reference, used internally during imports to point back to an external ID
    • Numeric, for decimal numbers that can be filtered on with comparison operators
    • URL, for HTTP or HTTPS links that will be made clickable


    • An Element can have several metadatas of the same type.
    • An Element can have several metadatas of the same type and name, but they will be ordered.
    • A metadata name can be up to 250 characters long.
    • The types and names of metadatas are restricted by projects, and have to be set by a project administrator.
    • A metadata with the type URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://.
    • A metadata with the type Date must use a YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY, or declare a year interval with YYYY-YYYY.
    • A metadata with the type Numeric must be a valid floating-point number.
    • A metadata with the type Markdown can use Markdown syntax or a limited set of HTML tags. Special characters such as &, < and > will be escaped.

    Web interface🔗

    You can view an element metadata on the Details panel, when browsing a project. The metadata list is collapsed by default when browsing folders, but will automatically be displayed when viewing details of a single Element.

    View all the metadatas linked to an element
    View all the metadatas linked to an element

    If you have a write access on the project, you will also be able to add some metadatas using a simple form.

    Create a metadata on an element
    Create a metadata on an element

    API Endpoints🔗

    These endpoints are the most useful to handle Element metadatas: