Upload a large set of images

    TEKLIA provides a service to upload a large number of images directly on a IIIF image server. After the upload, the images are immediately available to be imported in Arkindex. This service is particularly useful when you do not already have a IIIF server hosting your images. The procedure to use this service is the following :

    Account creation🔗

    First you need to ask TEKLIA (you can reach us by email at team@teklia.com or on our contact form ) for the creation of an account on this service. You will receive a user name (access-key) and a password (secret-key) by wormhole.app


    The link on https://wormhole.app/ is valid only 24 hours. After this period, you will need to ask for a new link.

    Methods and clients for upload🔗

    headerwith graphical interfancecommand line
    WindowsCyberduck, WinSCPaws, mc, duck
    Mac OSXCyberduckaws, mc, duck
    LinuxNoneaws, mc, duck

    Upload images using Cyberduck🔗

    Cyberduck is a graphical application available on Microsoft Windows and Mac Os X.

    1. install Cyberduck

    2. start Cyberduck

    3. open a new connection and configure it:

      • select Amazon S3 type
      • enter the server address: storage.teklia.com
      • enter your Access-Key
      • entrer your Secret access Key
      • select "More option" and add your bucket_name as Path
      • connect
    Cyberduck settings for storage.teklia.com
    Cyberduck settings for storage.teklia.com
    1. you may be asked to enter your access key again at the first connection
    Cyberduck settings for storage.teklia.com
    Cyberduck settings for storage.teklia.com
    • you can organize your files in folders (create folder option in cyberduck)
    Create folder in cyberduck
    Create folder in cyberduck
    • you can now drag and drop files to upload them to Teklia storage servers
    Import files in cyberduck
    Import files in cyberduck
    • you can check that the file are correctly transferred:
    Check imported files in cyberduck
    Check imported files in cyberduck

    ⚠️ with Cyberduck you can't move external data, you need to copy it to the new location and then remove the old one.

    Upload images using WinSCP🔗

    For Windows systems, you can use WinSCP which is also a graphical application for managing distant documents on S3 bucket.

    1. install WinSCP

    2. start WinSCP

    3. Create a new connection and configure it:

      • select Amazon S3 protocol
      • enter the server address: storage.teklia.com
      • enter your Access-key
      • enter your Secret-key
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    • in advanced options, select Environment > S3, and change URL Style in Path instead of virtual-host.
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    • once you are connected, you need to select your bucket, click on Open directory/Bookmark or press Ctrl + O
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    • enter your and click ok to open your bucket
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    1. The left view represents your documents on your computer, the right one represents files in your bucket. Yu can upload by selecting documents and clicking Upload or with a drag and drop.
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    WinSCP settings for storage.teklia.com
    1. You can now create directories, list and delete documents.

    Upload images using the Cyberduck CLI🔗

    1. Install Cyberduck CLI using this documentation depending on which OS you are using https://trac.cyberduck.io/wiki/help/en/howto/cli
    2. After installing the CLI, you should run the following command: duck --upload s3://storage.teklia.com/<your-bucket> <PATH to your data>
      • you should replace <your-bucket> with the name of your bucket
      • you should replace <PATH to your data> with the path to your data locally
    3. You will be prompted to type your Access-Key which is your username
    4. Once you provide your username, you will then be prompted to type your Secret access Key
    5. The upload will then start and once it is done you will find your data in your bucket

    ⚠️ with Cyberduck CLI you can't move external data, you need to copy it to the new location and then remove the old one.

    Upload images using the Minio client mc🔗

    1. Install the Minio client binary following the documentation https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-client-quickstart-guide.html
    2. After installing the CLI, you should create an alias : mc alias set <alias-name> https://storage.teklia.com/ <access-key> <secret-key>
      • you should replace <alias-name> with the name you want to use to call this specific service.
      • you should replace <access-key> and <secret-key> with your credentials
    3. You can now list buckets and documents with the following command : mc ls <alias-name>/<bucket-name>/<PATH>
    4. You can upload your files with the mirror command mc mirror <your-file-or-directory> <alias-name>/<bucket-name>/<PATH>
    5. In order to download files, you can use cp command: mc cp <alias-name>/<bucket-name>/<PATH> <your-file-or-directory>

    Upload images using the Amazon Web Service client aws🔗

    1. Install the AWS client following the documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html
    2. After installing the CLI, you should configure your client : aws configure --profile=<profile_name>
      • you will be asked for your <access-key> and <secret-key>.
      • leave the Default region name blank.
      • select an output format like json
    3. You can now list buckets and documents with the following command : aws --profile=<profile-name> --endpoint=https://storage.teklia.com/ s3 ls s3://<your-bucket>
    4. In order to upload files, you can use sync command: aws --profile=<profile-name> --endpoint=https://storage.teklia.com/ s3 sync <directory> s3://<your-bucket>/
    5. You can also download your files with the same command aws --profile=<profile-name> --endpoint=https://storage.teklia.com/ s3 sync s3://<your-bucket>/<directory> .

    Using your images from the IIIF server🔗

    Once your images are uploaded on storage.teklia.com, they are immediately available through one of our IIIF servers.

    For european customers, the IIIF base url is https://europe-gamma.iiif.teklia.com/iiif/2.

    To get your image URL, you'll need two information:

    • the storage bucket name (provided by Teklia and should be ending in -data)
    • the image path on the bucket

    You then need to concatenate all 3 parts: IIIF base url + bucket name + image path

    Let's say you have uploaded the image test.jpg on the bucket clientX-data, then your IIIF image url will be: https://europe-gamma.iiif.teklia.com/iiif/2/clientX-data%2Ftest.jpg


    If you organized your content in folders, you need to url-encode the image path from the sever root to follow the IIIF spec.

    If you uploaded the image project/folderX/imageY.png in bucket clientX-data, then your IIIF image url will be https://europe-gamma.iiif.teklia.com/iiif/2/clientX-data%2Fproject%2FfolderX%2FimageY.png

    View the image🔗

    Finally to view the image in your web browser, and not only its metadata, you need to specify a IIIF operation

    The simplest operation is to view the raw file without modification, as a JPEG (whatever your original file format): simply suffix your image url with /full/full/0/default.jpg.

    So for the image test.jpg from clientX-data this becomes: https://europe-gamma.iiif.teklia.com/iiif/2/clientX-data%2Ftest.jpg/full/full/0/default.jpg

    Import to Arkindex🔗

    Once your content is organized, you can import your images to Arkindex.