System workers

System workers are Workers that provide certain essential Arkindex features, such as file imports and exports and elements initialization in processes. To distinguish them from other workers, we use a system worker type.

The purpose of system workers is to provide Feature worker versions, which are worker versions assigned to an Arkindex feature.

The following Arkindex features are available:

  • init_elements: the elements initialization that is performed at the beginning of every inference process. It produces a list of all the elements in the process that is then used by the workers.
  • file_import: all local file imports.
  • s3_ingest: large file imports from S3 buckets.
  • A feature for each document export mode:
    • pdf_export
    • pagexml_export
    • docx_export
    • csv_export

All worker versions support a feature field, and a worker version becomes a feature worker version when it is assigned one of these features.


There can only be one worker version for each Arkindex feature. If you want to manually assign a new worker version to a feature, you must first unassign the current feature worker version.

A feature worker version must:

  • be in the available state.
  • not require either GPU or model feature usage.
  • have no required fields in its user configuration: it must be possible to run feature worker versions without setting any parameter. This means that these worker versions’ configurations must have default values for all their items.

System administrators must take care to keep the feature worker versions up-to-date when updating Arkindex instances. See the system workers section of the deployment documentation.


Feature worker versions get updated automatically when Arkindex instances are upgraded. Instance administrators can update feature worker versions from the administration interface, but manual changes will be overwritten by these automated updates.

The source code for the workers providing these Arkindex features is available on GitLab.