Ponos agent
This feature is only available for Enterprise Edition customers.
If your setup requires Machine Learning process, you’ll need at least one Ponos Agent on a dedicated server.
The setup of this kind of server is easier, as it only requires to run the agent (from Docker image registry.gitlab.teklia.com/arkindex/ponos-agent
) and configure it. The tasks will then be triggered by the agent automatically.
To begin the setup, you’ll need 2 private keys: one for the backend, another for the agent. Each agent needs a dedicated key to authenticate itself.
To generate a valid private key:
openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout > agent.key
A YAML configuration file is also required:
# Save as agent.yml
url: https://ark.localhost/
farm_id: XXXXX
seed: YYYYY
data_dir: /data
private_key: /etc/ponos/agent.key
The farm_id
and seed
information can be found in the Arkindex administration interface under the section Ponos > Farms.
You can then run the agent as:
docker run \
--name=ponos \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v ./agent.yml:/etc/ponos/agent.yml:ro \
-v ./agent.key:/etc/ponos/agent.key:ro \
-v ponos_data:/data
Please note that the agent requires a write access on the local Docker socket in order to create new containers that will run the tasks.
The ponos_data
docker volume is not required, but will allow to retrieve debug logs outside of the agent container.