
    This page is intended for system administrators, to document common tasks and tips needed to efficiently manage an Arkindex instance.

    File storage🔗

    Arkindex requires the following S3-API buckets to store various files:

    ConfigurationDefault nameDescription
    s3.staging_bucketstagingStaging area where user uploaded files are stored before validation
    s3.export_bucketexportSQLite databases generated by the project export task
    s3.thumbnails_bucketthumbnailsFolder thumbnails generated by the thumbnails generation worker
    s3.training_buckettrainingMachine Learning models
    s3.ponos_artifacts_bucketponos-artifactsArtifact files produced by processes
    s3.ponos_logs_bucketponos-logsLog files for all tasks of all processes
    N/Aiiif-cache(Optional) Bucket used by the Cantaloupe IIIF server to cache image renderings
    N/Auploads(Optional) Bucket used by the Cantaloupe IIIF server to expose locally uploaded images

    You can create these buckets on MinIO or any other S3-API compatible service by using the MinIO Client (open-source):

    # Login on your provider by creating an alias
    mc alias set arkindex-s3 <URL> <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
    # Create required buckets by prefixing them with the alias name
    mc mb arkindex-s3/staging
    mc mb arkindex-s3/export

    Administration interface🔗

    As an administrator, you can use the administration interface on your Arkindex instance, available at https://<INSTANCE_URL>/admin/ (for example, if your instance lives at ark.localhost, you'll be able to use the interface here).

    Administration modules
    Administration modules

    Beware of your actions on this interface: you can delete most items in the Arkindex database, without any rights checks. You are an administrator: with great power comes great responsibility.

    User creation and management🔗

    By clicking on the Users > Users link from the main page, you'll reach the user management. From there you can:

    • create new users
    • promote an existing user to administrator
    • change user email & display name
    • change their password
    • disable their account
    • delete their account
    Users management
    Users management

    Project management🔗

    By clicking on the Documents > Corpora link from the main page, you'll reach the project management (projects are internally named corpus). From there you can:

    • create a new empty corpus
    • change corpus attributes (name, description, ...)
    • make the corpus fully public
    • make the corpus search indexed
    • delete a corpus
    Project (aka Corpus)  management
    Project (aka Corpus) management

    Asynchronous tasks🔗

    This page is not linked from the main administration page, and is only reachable by using the link https://<INSTANCE_URL>/rq/

    From that page, you can view all the asynchronous queues, current tasks and active workers.

    Asynchronous queues and workers
    Asynchronous queues and workers